Monday, January 8, 2007

Words of the Wise

K.Z. and Mr. Clean have been preparing for the annual Pinewood Derby that his Cub Scout Pack has every year. Being that this is K.Z.'s first year in Cub Scouts he is extremely excited and has no clue what to anticipate. Mr. Clean being the veteran Boy Scout, knows exactly what to look forward to and in preparation has purchased not one, not two, but THREE car kits (possibly more that he has yet to fess up to) lest one gets, "messed up".

In the true spirit of the race, both K.Z. and Mr. Clean have been working on the car design and development together, down to weighting the car and spray painting, although Mr. Clean refused to let K.Z. be in charge of the "help book" (aka: "secrets to crushing the competition") in fear of it being lost forever and due to the fact that our Cub Scout cannot read anything weightier than Dr. Seuss yet.

In the spirit of the Pinewood Derby season that is upon us, Mr. Clean pulled out his race car that he made 20 something years ago. It was still in fairly good shape minus one wheel.

K.Z. in all his wisdom says to me, "this is Dad's car. He said that he didn't win the race he was in. I bet it's because his car only has three wheels."


Susie said...

LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!! I'm still drying my eyes from this one, Angel!! THANKS! And best of luck to the speed racers!!

Smiles and hugs!

Laura said...

Makes sense to me!

Angel at Aduladi' said...

Pray for us Heather, the "weigh in" is on Tuesday, LOL!

~Angel :)