Thursday, January 25, 2007

God Bless My Doctor

I am very stubborn when it comes to being sick. I hate, no make that abhor paying a $15.00 co-pay for a doctor to say, "well Mrs. Clean it seems you have a cold." Well, duh...

But I have been sick for over a week now and pretty miserable with some throat and cough "thing". Finally Mr. Clean called today to tell me he was coming home at lunch and I was to make a doctor's appointment. I guess he was tired of my moping and whining and wanted his almost normal wife back. Reluctantly I made the call.

Since moving to Pennsylvania I have seen my family doctor about 3 times, in 3 years. Once was to get a shot before we went to the Czech Republic this past summer so that does not even count in my book. Aside from the typical OB/GYN visits, no doctor required here! But since they are a really good practice they agreed to see me and overbooked me for 2:30 this afternoon. Knowing that would mean a very long wait I took a book with me and was kind of excited to get a little time to actually read a book of my own.

As predicted, my doctor told me I had a virus that was floating around and I just got hit with it pretty severely. But here is where things looked up; instead of the usual prescription of lots of fluids and rest (which I did get), I also got a REAL prescription. One I can actually take to a pharmacy and have dispensed for me. One that may help make me feel better faster than my course of action (occasional NyQuil and lots of "Airborne", which probably is too late to do anything anyway). $15.00 well spent!

Now the pharmacy is another subject. $60.00 later...

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