Sunday, January 21, 2007

Trying To Get Back in the Saddle

Here it is, Sunday, four days into my "El Sicko" journey. I am trying to get back in the saddle, but my foot keeps slipping off the stirrups! Today I feel less like a zombie and more like I am a zombie returning from the dead. Slowly, but surely!

While doing nothing but sounding like a tuberculosis patient and laying in bed, my mind has been a whirlwind of blogging ideas. This is when I need a laptop, because I can assure you that once I am back to full speed, my brain will have forgotten it all and I am simply too lazy to get up, find a pen and piece of paper without the "tell-tale" scribble of a three year old on it and manually write it down.

So here we are on a Sunday and I am not quite back to perfect health, but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Boy I hope it's not a train!


Laura said...

Praying you get better quickly. I want to read what you have to say! :)

This is why I keep a pencil and notebook next to the bed!

Susie said...

More {{{{HUGS}}}} to feel better soon!! Glad there's a light...and don't worry about a're on it, right? The train to a "speedy recovery." LOL!!