Thursday, March 1, 2007

A Ya-Ya Day

When it came out in the theatre, I went to see The Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood. There was a scene in it that struck me and I have not forgotten it yet today.

In the scene a young Vivian was raising her four (?) children and it was a night involving a calamity of errors. One child was vomiting while another was having problems from "the other end of their body". Her baby was crying I believe (its been quite a few years since I have seen the movie), her husband wasn't home and all was wrong with the world. After doing what she had to do to rectify what she could with the children she snapped. Really snapped. She eventually took off and holed up in a hotel for a few days until she finally went back.

I felt that way today. My baby was vomiting and then crying all day, I was nauseas, my boy did not have a stellar attitude and my house was whirling with chaos (dirty dishes and laundry needing my attention while every toy known to man was found and strewn in almost every room). K.Z.'s attitude was what sent me over the edge and I contemplated a "Vivi moment". I would have run away, but I would've wanted to take the van over the Volvo because the van has XM Radio, but the car seat and booster seats would have annoyed me further. So I had to stay home. Besides, Mr. Clean was not home and well, I am not that insane as to leave the kids home alone no matter how frustrated they make me.

The next best thing was to lock myself in my room during rest time and be "zombie like" and pretend I had no children. There was no way the Lord was going to let me get away with that. I turned the TV on to babble away, I could not even tell you what was on at the moment until I heard a voice on the boob tube reference scripture. I looked up to see a big football player on Oprah (not a show I ever watch much) talk about Isaiah 49. I had no clue why but I felt like I had to look up the passage. I frantically searched my room (another chaos stricken zone) and found my Bible. This is what jumped out at me...

"Can a mother forget the baby at her breast
and have no compassion on the child she has borne?"

Isaiah 49:15

I still have a lot of work to do, but the passage immediately made me go to K.Z. and reconcile since I had banished him to his room for the rest of the millennium. My baby is still crying (as I type she is mad that I am making her change out of the halter top she put on before getting in the car; since it is 45 degrees here!) and I am still nauseas, but I no longer have the urge to run away and hide. Although sticking my head in the sand might be a good alternative!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have had days exactly like that. In the book, I think Vivi says that was the time she "dropped her basket." I have sought refuge in my room in order not to drop my own basket. How wonderful that the Lord spoke to you so clearly like that. I wouldn't be surprised if the next day I'm tempted to run away, I hear a little voice saying "Isaiah 49."