Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Tears on a Tuesday

I found this on Susie's blog and had to post it here.
Thank you, thank you, thank you...


Susie said...

I loved that video, too! How easy it is to forget all those who fight for us.

Anonymous said...

Wow - still crying

Samantha from Colonial Curve Cottage said...

Okay, I'm not even American and that just ripped my heart out. I'll tell you why. I know I have my freedom over here in my cozy comfy Canada because of the soldiers from American. Not to diminish the work our soldiers do in any way...because I think on some level that when you are a soldier, borders come down and a brotherhood begins. I know I can sit here and blog to my hearts content because of the freedom these soldiers gave up so I can have mine. So with my heart hanging out, I say, thankyou, I am proud of all our soldiers Canadian and American and someday, in heaven, I'll be able to see who actually laid down their life so I can vote, drink overpriced water out of a bottle, educate my children how I think it should be done and on and on. And still, freedom is a responsiblity, not a right. Its really a gift. And just because I have freedom of speech dosn't mean I can just fling words around a hurt people with them. So thanks for posting this..as hard as it is to really think about, its important that we do. I am very proud of all the soldiers who fight for freedom all over the world. I didn't mean to preach on your blog...that just kinda came out.

Angel at Aduladi' said...

Mrs. Sam,

I could not agree with you more!! Thanks for saying what I was too choked up to say!
