Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Reading, 'Riting and Rithmetic?

Not today! So all of our company has left and life is settling back to normal, right?... Kind of.

The kids just needed a day to regroup and be home and they begged me to let them break out the watercolors so they could create masterpieces. I decided even if the kitchen turned into a mega mess from the paint, they earned it. So today we decided to master "the arts".

C'sa and Xena put on a show and sang (including "the cell phone song", composed by C'sa herself) while K.Z. growled in a perfect impression of a lion. It was all done in full costume of course, since Momma got to have fun with the watercolors as well. It was a day well spent!


Susie said...

How FUN!!! :o) Mine have been begging for the same...though yesterday and today were spent in the company of Furryville creatures and their "town" of houses and shops set up in Emily's room. Still, the town must come down tonight so that beds can be remade...so maybe the painting will come tomorrow. Want to join us for Zing! at the museum soon?

Samantha from Colonial Curve Cottage said...

Face paints $5.00
Learning about art $lots a bucks
These faces...PRICELESS

Samantha from Colonial Curve Cottage said...

Face paints $5.00
Learning about art $lots a bucks
These faces...PRICELESS

Laura said...

Yay! You're back. The kids are adorable! Glad to hear that life is settling back down.

Jamie said...
