Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Toasted Manna from Heaven

The Lord provides, even sometimes when it is a want and not necessarily a need. I need not tell most of you this, but he certainly does it in a variety of ways!

For the last three or fours years I have wanted a toaster oven. I put in on my Christmas wish list and to date have not gotten one as it was not really a necessity and Mr. Clean does not think of a toaster oven as being a great Christmas present ("they" have gotten to him; you know the "they" that tell husbands that buying a household appliance as a gift for his wife will forever banish him to the doghouse).

Quite a few months ago I got into a conversation with a fellow MOMS Clubber and sister in Christ about toaster ovens. I have no idea how we got into this conversation, but we did. She has limited counter space and had a toaster oven with no home. I told her if she ever needed a new home for it, I would gladly provide one! It caused a laugh and the conversation was over. A few weeks ago we chatted and she asked if I was still interested in the toaster oven. I had completely forgotten all about it! I told her yes and that I would swing by to get it, which was my sincere intention, I just had to figure out when to pencil it in!

A day or two after the conversation a toaster oven sat in a bag on my front porch. It was if the toaster oven fairy had put it out there overnight. You would never even know that it had been used (and it may never have been) it was so brand spankin' new looking with not a crumb in sight.


By the way, do you know that leftover pizza toasted in a toaster oven is better than when it is fresh? Ahhh... Manna from Heaven!

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