Thursday, June 7, 2007

The Lazy Days...

I need to change my way of thinking. I had a deep down gut feeling about how I should raise my kids that I firmly believed in but I have gotten soft lately. It's effecting my kids and not in a great way.

I am a "if/then" kind of gal. "If" you choose to do this, "then" you will expect this consequence (good or bad). No negotiating, no whimpering, that's just the way it is. I used to be diligent and predictable. Firm but very loving and my children were for the most part very obedient and happy kids. Recently I have doubted my abilities, gotten lazy and soft in my resolve and I can see the change. They are getting grumpy and disobedient and have started to talk back a bit. I have started getting louder and more annoyed. The combination is disastrous. My three year old has learned the art of righteous indignation as she stomps up the stairs. Something my now 7 year old would have NEVER done nor gotten away with at that age. Whining and temper tantrums were unacceptable and rare, now they are getting more frequent from all three.

So pray for me as I reevaluate and get back to the basics that I know were designed for me directly from the Creator. My kids are the ones getting gypped in the long run if I don't.


Susie said...

You got 'em, my friend!! :o)

Jamie said...

I will pray cuz I'm in the exact same boat.

Tracy said...

OK- I have a two year old...I want to discipline in this way you speak of- any advice? This is new to me and I want to be loving but ALSO I need a kid who will obey me without me having to fly off the handle.

Stephanie said...

I too want to discipline in this way you speak of. I am a new mom (a 10 month old) and we so want to raise our kids God's way. Any advice - books, websites, etc?