Friday, June 6, 2008

Once Again...

I am not one who believes that little kids should be put on a pedestal and told they are the world's greatest all the time. I think children need humility. I also think they need discipline. But NOT like this, and NOT by a paid employee (isn't that what a school teacher is after all?).


Anonymous said...

That breaks my heart. My babies are staying home with me (if it is God's will)! I can't imagine what would happen to them if they had a teacher like that.

Anonymous said...

That is so terribly sad. I taught in public school for six years and I know that there can be so little support offered to teachers. Once in a while you get a child that is so difficult (even as young as five years old.) I child like this can take every bit of joy and of your job and can drive you insane. But my goodness you can't say such hurtful things. Teaching the easy, well-behaved children is easy and nearly anyone can do it. It is the truely remarkable teachers who can teach the difficult children, this teacher certainly is not.

Anonymous said...

Im kinda curios why this child's bad behavior wasnt addressed earlier in the year by the parents and the teacher. Then again maybe it was. I dont agree with the teachers attitude or words but I wonder why the parents didnt use the daily behavior folder to help correct their sons bad behavior. I know people who teach in the public school system and from their experiences, it aint easy especialy when theres no parental backup.