Sunday, November 26, 2006

Happy Birthday My Love

Today is little C'sa's birthday and I am simply overwhelmed with how "old" my baby has become. My 7 month old nephew was in town for Thanksgiving and comparing "my baby" to my brother's made me realize she is not really a baby anymore. Boy how my heart sighs...

Mr. Clean has summed up the day perfectly, so I can just direct you to his view of the event...

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Home At Last...

For the past three years that I have been living in our township I have been waiting for Mr. Clean to come home and tell me we were getting transfered to my dream state or anywhere else in the lower 48. I have been waiting for the next leg of our adventure, ready to put up the "for sale" sign in the front yard and pack up the offspring before they got too comfortable here.

Too late! I am comfortable here. Talking to some friends the other day about some development that is coming to our area, I realized that I cared. This is my home, my children's home. We have friends here that we adore and can't imagine not seeing on a regular basis. I have girlfriends I can envision growing older with, watching our children grow up together with, supporting each other during empty nest syndrome and those "oh so not gentle" changes that happen in life.

I know it sounds a little hokey, but it feels good to be "home". And for that I am so very thankful! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Day!